Science is taught so that students systematically study creation based on observation.
We seek to:
- Show and teach that the biblical creation account is true and that the theory of evolution is false.
- Teach the students the basic elements of both accounts and that both systems are based on either sound or unsound evidence and faith.
- Show the students that, because God made the universe, it has inherent order which in turn makes it possible to hypothesize and experiment (scientific method), as well as to identify, classify, and categorize elements of creation.
- Treat the study of science as a part of the study of history. That is, show the students the natural integration between the advances, individuals, and applications of science, with the development of historical events within the cultures studied.
- Use many forms of instruction to teach science, particularly identifying, classifying, categorizing, integrating with history and math, as well as experiments, demonstrations, collecting, field trips, and guest speakers.
“All Scripture is God-breathed, and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). With this foundation, the Bible is taught as a light to illuminate all other fields of study.
We seek to:
- Have the students read and listen to Biblical scripture.
- Encourage the students to understand the verses in context, along with other good interpretation principles.
- Let the scriptures speak for themselves with clarifications and illustrations by the teacher.
- Show the students the richness and requirements of the Bible.
- Teach students Biblical principles and how God’s hand is interwoven through academic content and historical events.
- Encourage students to form a biblical worldview.
- Teach the biblical pattern of salvation (not indicate that Jesus comes into our heart which is common phraseology in culture but not biblical).
- Encourage each student to come to the Father, through the Son, and grow in their knowledge and love of Him through the Holy Spirit within us.
A Christian ELA program is one in which the students come to understand words and use them well through lovely expression throughout a lifetime. In career, home, and civil citizenship and Christian fellowship. Conversely, mastering language will protect from misunderstanding Scripture and others.
We seek to:
- Equip every student with the skills necessary for good writing, including correct spelling and grammar, pleasing style, clarity of focus, proofreading, and self-correcting.
- Put a major emphasis on good writing by requiring the students to write often and correctly in each subject area.
- Encourage clear thinking by the students through requiring clear, focused writing.
- Introduce the students to many styles of writing using the Bible and other high quality literature.
A Christian ELA program is one in which the students come to understand words and use them well through lovely expression throughout a lifetime. In career, home, and civil citizenship and Christian fellowship. Conversely, mastering language will protect from misunderstanding Scripture and others.
We seek to:
- Use proper building blocks for teaching students to read.
- Encourage the students to read correctly as soon as possible.
- Introduce the students to high-quality children's literature.
- Carefully monitor the student's reading abilities to ensure he is at a reasonable level, is comprehending adequately, and is reading fluently, both orally and silently. This includes the proper use of word-decoding and phonemic skills.
- Integrate, wherever possible, other subjects into reading, such as history and science.
- Foster a life-long love of reading and high-quality literature, especially the Scriptures, after being taught to recognize the characteristics of such literature.
World Languages
Since God communicated to His people through the written and spoken word, the study of world languages requires a responsibility to wisely and precisely divide language so that one may learn to rightly divide the Word of God. Moreover, learning an additional language equips one to be sensitive to other cultures and ethnic norms, and that God created all mankind.
We seek to:
- Equip every student with the skills necessary for proficient speaking and listening.
- Encourage proficient reading and writing skills that strives for correct spelling and grammar.
- Challenge students to think beyond and appreciate how culture impacts language, and language impacts culture, and that learning an additional language helps to facilitate that ability.
As Ptolemy wrote in his preface to his Almagest, CCS teaches Mathematics for it is the best evidence of divinity because of its consistency and incorruptibility. It seeks to discover, examine, and apply fundamental laws of God.
We seek to:
- Ensure that the students have thorough memorization and mastery of basic mathematical functions and tables.
- Put an emphasis on conceptual, as well as practical, understanding through the use of story problems and real world application.
- Illustrate God's unchanging character through the timeless, logical mathematical systems He gave to man through His gift of reason.
Social Studies
Examining, understanding, and mastering objectives found throughout the subject of Social Studies helps to locate one’s life in history past and future; interprets the current; brings understanding of the cyclical nature of all of life.
We seek to:
- Teach the students that God is in control of history and He will determine its ultimate outcome.
- Enable the students to see God's hand in the history of the world, and the United States specifically, by illustrating the effect His people have had on history.
- Broaden the students' understanding of history and geography as the students mature, specifically by deepening the level of exposure and research into various topics elementary through secondary.
- Make history and geography "come alive" for the students through the use of a unit approach to history and its related areas and by using many forms of information and research, e.g. biographies, illustrations, field trips, guest speakers, music, art, foods, architecture, etc.
Citizenship extends beyond state, national, and as believers, earthly borders and therefore, digital citizenship is taught in similar fashion in that civility, humility, and all humbless must be attended. Therefore we teach technology for one lives in a technical society but their true citizenship resides in the life to come.
We seek to:
- Teach the fundamentals of Melody through singing, listening, playing a piano, playing a recorder, and creating melodies.
- Teach the fundamentals of Rhythm through playing a variety of percussion instruments, reading notes, writing notes, and creating rhythm patterns.
- Teach the common Dynamics found in music through singing, listening, playing instruments, playing music games and creating simple songs.
- Teach the fundamentals of Harmony through playing chords on the piano, singing, and listening.
- Teach students how to read simple music and play that music on a recorder and a piano.
- Give students many opportunities to practice improvisation.
- Equip the students to Worship our Lord through music; the students will learn the difference between singing and Worship through singing.
- Discuss morality and ethics in music from a Christian worldview.
Teaching music provides opportunity to explore God’s giftings, providing an avenue to test likes and dislikes, and talents.
We seek to:
- Teach the fundamentals of Melody through singing, listening, playing a piano, playing a recorder, and creating melodies.
- Teach the fundamentals of Rhythm through playing a variety of percussion instruments, reading notes, writing notes, and creating rhythm patterns.
- Teach the common Dynamics found in music through singing, listening, playing instruments, playing music games and creating simple songs.
- Teach the fundamentals of Harmony through playing chords on the piano, singing, and listening.
- Teach students how to read simple music and play that music on a various instruments.
- Give students many opportunities to practice improvisation.
- Equip the students to Worship our Lord through music; the students will learn the difference between singing and Worship through singing.
- Discuss morality and ethics in music from a Christian worldview.
Fine arts courses provide opportunity to explore God’s giftings, providing an avenue to test likes and dislikes, and talents.
We seek to:
- Teach the seven Elements of Design and provide practice exercises and projects for the students to apply these building blocks to their artwork.
- Teach the seven Principles of Design and provide practice exercises and projects for the students to apply these concepts to their artwork.
- Provide a variety of mediums for the students to use to create artworks.
- Demonstrate and teach techniques for using the mediums (drawing, painting, weaving, sculpting, composition development, etc.).
- Present the six main Genres of Art.
- Introduce Art History, from ancient art times to the early 1900’s.
- Present a variety of famous artists and some of their artwork. Students will analyze these pieces of art for elements and principles of design, genres, and their place in art history.
- Discuss morality and ethics in art from a Christian worldview.
Physical Education/Health
Because the Word of God requires His followers to love Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, and all physical activity is an opportunity to love God (Deut. 5).
We seek to:
- Systematically work with the students to teach them basic exercises and game skills.
- In cooperation with the families, encourage the students to establish and maintain good health.
- To enhance biblical patterns of behavior through activities requiring cooperation, teamwork, and general good sportsmanship.
Curriculum Charts
Elementary (K4 - 5) Curriculum Scope & Sequence Chart
Elementary Specials (K4 - 5) Curriculum Scope & Sequence Chart
Secondary (6 - 12) Curriculum Scope & Sequence Chart
Secondary Specials (6 - 12) Curriculum Scope & Sequence Chart