Mission and Vision
Our Mission
Cambridge Christian School partners with parents to prepare students academically, relationally, and spiritually to live out God's plan for their lives.
Our Vision
Cambridge Christian exists to challenge students' minds and enrich their hearts.
Our Philosophy of Education
Children are intellectual, moral and spiritual gifts from God. As such, they must be challenged and enriched to be the best of heart and mind, all for the purpose of glorifying God. Consistency between home, church and school is the best way to ensure this.
Our Core Values
1) CCS recognizes that God is preeminent. His word is truth, and everything fits under Him (Colossians 1:16; 2:2-3; Psalm 119:105)
2) CCS commits to the pursuit of excellence in every area. We expect students to meet high standards in academic discipline and character development
3) CCS recognizes the importance of parents. We believe that God designed the role of parents as one of authority and responsibility. Because of this, we believe that God holds parents accountable for their decisions and actions.
4) CCS commits to unity in the body of Christ. With several churches represented in the student body, we believe that Christians can and must work together.